Lovin’ Lagonisi

Our second and last day in Lagonisi with the wonderful Mike, Marina and Daphne… Marina had to open up her shop on the main street, so we popped down to visit her (and did a small bit of purchasing whilst we were there.)marina's shop

Next door to Marina’s shop is a vet and dog grooming salon.  Marina’s BFF, Katerina was having her beloved dogs, Tommy-Lee & Jack Sparrow groomed and she popped into the shop whilst she waited.  The dogs like to know that she’s next door otherwise they cry.

Katerina, Tommy-Lee & Sparrow

It is a total family affair – Everyone works in the shop.

daphne, chris & Marina

So, I have totally fallen in love with this family and now we’re all besties.


On the plane once more and we’re off to Mykonos!  Yassous!


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